Children & Families

MSDP is at the heart of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in Merseyside, and we aim to create a welcoming environment where our members and their families, both hearing and Deaf, can spend time together. We regularly hold family events at our head office in Queens Drive at different times of year and for various occasions.

Our BSL Walking Group is also very popular with families, and members regularly bring along their children and grandchildren. Our Walking Group runs regularly, visit our Facebook page to find out where we are meeting next.

In 2023 the BSL999 app was launched, which enabled BSL users to contact the emergency services through an interpreter relay service. To promote the launch, our partners SignHealth generously funded parties up and down the UK so we could celebrate together.

Christmas is time to come together and celebrate another successful year at MSDP (and we often invite Santa Claus along to join in the fun).

Every year we hold a Halloween party for children and families, where we have pumpkin carving, games and a fancy dress competition.