British Sign Language

It is estimated that British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred language for just under 90,000 people in UK. Learning BSL is a very fulfilling pursuit that can lead to all sorts of positive social and professional experiences. Every year we run British Sign Language courses at our headquarters in Liverpool.

Our qualified and experienced tutors can help develop your skills, whether you’re a beginner looking to learn basic signs on level 1 or and advanced user undertaking Level 6 with a view to working as BSL interpreter.

Click below to find an overview of each BSL level as well as start dates and costs.

All of our courses accredited by Signature


British Sign Language Level 1

Learners will be able to communicate with Deaf People in British Sign Language (BSL) on a range of topics that involve simple, everyday language use. 

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British Sign Language Level 2

Learners will be able to participate in longer and more varied conversations than at Level 1. The course will develop communication in BSL about real life, routine, and daily experiences.

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British Sign Language Level 3

Learners will be able to develop an advanced knowledge of the structure and function of British Sign Language and an understanding of the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture. They will be able to understand and use varied BSL in a range of work and social situations.

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British Sign Language Level 4

Learners will be able to communicate with Deaf people in BSL about a range of topics in relation to the 6 specified themes. 

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British Sign Language Level 6

Learners will be able to use and understand complex BSL in all types of social and professional interactions.

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